For the past year, writer/artist Michael Mauro has been focused on steadily producing and building an audience for his webcomic, Atom Bug. In this coaching call, Tyler helps him refine and refocus the business model that supports his comic.

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In this special "ComixLaunch Coaching" Session, Tyler coaches comic book writer Jay D'Ici (Conceptual Heist) through plans for his next launch, one in which he'd like to significantly increase funding from his last successful campaign.

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Are you thinking about how you're going to ship your Kickstarter rewards? Whether you're in the midst of fulfillment or still planning your next launch, this episode is for you, as Tyler shares three valuable Kickstarter reward shipping DOs and three DON'Ts.

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How easy is it for potential readers to find YOU? That's just one of many questions Tyler will ask you to think about as he dives into the ComixLaunch Mailbag to answer creator questions.

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There are four roles you can play in your creative business -- The Visionary, The Manager, The Skilled Worker & The Intern. In this episode, Tyler defines each of these roles and shares how they can be applied to your Kickstarter campaign.

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Your Kickstarter project image is the single most important image on your page and one of the most important decisions of your launch. And yet, so many creators treat it as an after thought. In this session, you'll learn how to avoid the most common image mistakes and learn how to craft a compelling image for your next launch.

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When you look up to the clouds what do you see? In this session, we'll look at how humans are meaning making machines, and how the stories we tell ourselves determine what's possible for us on Kickstarter, in our careers, and in our lives.

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Australian Graphic novelist Shane W Smith (Triumviratus) shares lessons from recent Kickstarters and an opportunity he had to modify his comic series Un-Dad into a television series and pitch it to a number of broadcasters.

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Have you been putting off your Kickstarter project because you've been overwhelmed by the amount of work involved? Imagine all of those complications and objections you have were taken away, could you launch then? In this session, Tyler breaks down what Kickstarter's new Quickstarter initiative is, and how it just might help you overcome those obstacles holding you back from launching.

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ComixLaunch gets back to basics as Tyler opens up the Kickstarter Q&A mailbag to answer vexing Kickstarter questions from the ComixLaunch community. Getting backers to answer their surveys, tips for visualizing reward tiers and the pros and cons of backer thank you pages are covered in this session!

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