Does your entire creative career feel like a struggle? Do you constantly feel like no matter how hard you work, you'll never measure up? In this session of ComixLaunch, writer and editor James Powell (Ten31 Publishing) opens up about his own struggles with creative insecurity and how he's fought back against them.

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In this guest session, Russell Nohelty (Wannabe Press) shares the three limiting beliefs that prevent creators from being great at selling their comics, and how to overcome them so you can get more of your art in the hands of people who genuinely want it.

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To kick off the new year, Tyler shares four more of big and profitable lessons learned from the many successful launches he ran in 2017. Plus, you'll hear some of the biggest launch lessons of ComixLaunch listeners.

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2017 was a big year for launches. In this year-end session of ComixLaunch, Tyler shares his biggest and most profitably lessons learned from the many successful launches he's been a part of this year.

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Throw a log on the fire, spike your egg nog and curl up to a special holiday episode of ComixLaunch. In this session, Tyler opens up the ComixLaunch mailbag and also answers some festive questions. Plus, an update on Patreon's decision to walk back their big fee structure change.

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Find out what popular ongoing crowdfunding platfrom Patreon did to anger most of it's creators and learn about a competing service owned by Kickstarter that may be coming to try to eat Patreon's lunch. Plus, the most important take-aways from these developments that independent creators must keep front and center.

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What do King Arthur, Franklin Delanore Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Bill Gates all have in common? They all attribute some of their success to being a part of a mastermind group as a key to their success. In this session, you'll learn what is a mastermind, what the benefits to joining one are, and how to find one to help you succeed in the new year.

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Simon Birks of Blue Fox Comics has launched over a dozen successful Kickstarter campaigns. In this session, Tyler picks his brain on the keys to his success. Plus: How to handle negative feedback on your offers.

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The tables are turned and Tyler James is on the hotseat, as Clay Adams digs into the secret origins of ComixTribe and ComixLaunch and Kickstarter questions get asked and answered on this replay of a Kickstarter Live broadcast.

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