Curtis Clow is a comic book writer and creator whose Kickstarter-serialized series Beastland's has raised $90,000 on the platform, and just wrapped his biggest launch yet. In this interview, Tyler chats with Curtis about how he was able to quit the day job late last year and make a living through writing and comics, how he landed all of his Kickstarter funded comics with publishers, and the secrets behind his latest breakthrough launch. Considering Curtis' comics journey started in earnest just a few years ago, this interview should be incredibly inspiring for creators out there.

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Lone Wolf Comics' Rob Multari joins Tyler James for a discussion about self-funding comics, crowdfunding comics, and comic book project management, as Rob's latest launch for Nightwolf #1-4 takes off on Kickstarter.

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Comic creator Rene Pfitzner has been building a following and having success on Kickstarter, but still feels like he's struggling to find out where his ideal reader hangs out online, and the best strategies to actually connect with them so that they can discover his books? Tyler and a mastermind roundtable of creators have advice for Rene and share it in this mastermind style session.

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Webcomics creator Bitsy Tandem has a dilemma on her hands... Should she re-launch her webcomic on Webtoons or go with a new small publisher interested in her work. How to decide between launching on Webtoon or going with a small publisher for my next project? Tyler and a mastermind roundtable of creators have advice for Bitsy and share it in this mastermind style session.

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20 year comics veteran Jim Rugg has launched a wildly successful Kickstarter for what could be the worlds first blacklight comic book with fluorescent ink, OCTOBRIANA 1976. In this ComixLaunch Interview, Tyler will talk to the Eisner and Ignatz award-winning cartoonist about pushing the boundaries of the print medium, his work as an instructor at the School of Visual Arts, and co-founding YouTube’s Cartoonist Kayfabe comics channel with Ed Piskor, and more.

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Zebra Comics publisher E.N. Ejob has one successful Kickstarter campaign under his belt, but has been nervous about launching another one. His challenge: How do you keep your past backers engaged and get them to come back for more and at the same time appeal to new readers when you launch again? Tyler and a mastermind roundtable of creators have advice for E.N. and share it in this mastermind style session.

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Artist & Comic Creator Matthew Childers is having trouble recreating the success he has selling prints at conventions on his own online shop. In this mastermind style roundtable session, Tyler and a group of talented creators give him a series of valuable strategies to boost sales online.

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For the first time ever, listen in on clips from the ComixLaunch Mastermind sessions this year that help lead to Clay Adams of Fried Comics most successful Kickstarter launch ever... for a project that he had been sitting on for years!

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The ComixLaunch Mailbag is opened once again, as Tyler answers four questions submitted by creators during a recent ComixLaunch Masterclass. In this session, you'll learn what makes launching on Kickstarter special, some additional tips for building your email list, finding an artist and fighting fear.

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Ovation Comics Publisher and writer of Battle Royale Planet, Goth Ghost Girl & Infinity Agents John Schlim, Jr. joins Tyler for a frank discussion on the perserverance and problem solving required for success on Kickstarter and beyond.

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