Join us for a special panel on ComicTopia, the inaugural crowdfunding event hosted on BackerKit this month. The discussion features Lafayette Morrow from BackerKit, as well as creators including James Mascia of Dren Productions, writer Frank Martin, Joel Rodriguez of Metal Ninja Studios, and Eric Erdek, known for Espresso Detective. Lafayette provides an overview of BackerKit’s evolution from a crowdfunding support tool to a full-featured platform, emphasizing community engagement tools and their successful transition to hosting events like Pintopia and ComicTopia. Creators involved share insights on their current projects, their experiences with BackerKit’s platform, and unique event features such as cross-collaborations and the backer train feature. The discussion also touches on issues like handling mature content and strategies for successful crowdfunding.

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In this episode of ComixLaunch, Tyler James interviews Christian Douglas, a Dublin-based writer and founder of Unpopular Comics. They discuss Christian's creative journey, his new Kickstarter campaign for 'Unpopular Tales 2: Pinochia, a cyberpunk retelling of the classic fairy tale, and the broader mission of Unpopular Comics to revitalize classic stories with modern twists.

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For the past decade, illustrator Dave Swartz has moved from self-publishing, to pencil-for-hire, and back again. His current project, Confederate Monster is back on Kickstarter. In this conversation, he and Tyler will discuss the challenges and opportunities for comic book illustrators working in comics today.

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In this session, Tyler will share his top insights from attending a presentation by Andrew Marks, director of Kickstarter's new Kickstarter Performance team, outlining what this new crowdfunding marketing service can do for creators, and answering questions from Kickstarter users.

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In this session, we'll break down the news that Kickstarter just pushed live a massive overhaul to how creators create and send shipping surveys to backers. In this session, we'll take a deep-dive into the new survey tool, and share the good, the bad, the confusing, and the ugly with this latest platform update.

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For YEARS Kickstarter creators have been asking for abilities to easily copy info from past projects to new ones. It looks like Kickstarter has FINALLY taken a step in this direction, as creators can now copy rewards from past campaigns. Let's take a deep-dive into this new feature to see if it's everything creators have been asking for.

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With his first novella ready to launch, writer James Powell is considering experimenting with a shorter than average Kickstarter launch… much shorter! A mastermind roundtable of veteran creators discuss James' launch plan, and share pros and cons of ultra short launches.

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Sarah Cooke has successfully launched 3 projects on Kickstarter for her series "No Spell Lasts Forever." Now she's in the process of working on a additional projects that she'd like to launch in the not-to-distant future. That means running more campaigns each year. How can she best grow her crowdfunding project output without being overly demanding of my audience? A mastermind roundtable of veteran creators help Sarah get her head around launching more.

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After a lot of success serializing his series Night Wolf on Kickstarter, Rob Multari thinks he's finally ready to distribute through Diamond Distribution to get his books into comic book shops. The problem? How to deal with the upfront funding costs associated with direct market distribution? Tyler and a roundtable of comic creators brainstorm options in this mastermind style session.

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