With a few launches on the horizon, writer Don Handfield seeks the mastermind roundtable's advice on pre-launch planning ideas that will help me him get the most out of his Kickstarter launches.

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How do you build confidence in sharing your work, when you feel there is a gap between your personal taste and your own talent? In the midst of launching and funding his first Kickstarter campaign, writer/artist Jeff Lorentz asks the roundtable for advice on how to share his comics with confidence.

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Many crowdfunders feel like the Kickstarter "dead zone" hits earlier and last longer then ever these days. In this mastermind style session, writer Chris Brimmage asks the roundtable how to best deal with a longer dead zone on Kickstarter?

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Creating and crowdfunding comics takes a wide range of skills and a ton of time to do it right. So, how exactly does a comic creator looking to build up his or her publishing line determine what jobs to keep and what to outsource. That's the dilemma Scott Harris-King has found himself in. Luckily, a roundtable of creators is here to help Scott determine what his time is worth and what tasks to let go of in this mastermind style session!

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Get ready for a high-level comic book crowdfunding discussion with some of the most experienced creators in the game! Laurie Foster of Unlikely Heroes Studios and writer Russell Nohelty are back to discuss their new launch for Lucifer Licorice on Kickstarter, as well as how Unlikely Heroes Studios is helping creators with the most cumbersome part of crowdfunding... fulfillment!

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Over the past few years, creator Joel Rodriguez has grown his Metal Ninja Studios from a one-man operation to a full-service comic production and design studio. In this conversation with Tyler James, you'll learn about growing a support team, the changing landscape of indie comics and the benefits of letting go of a "do-it-all-yourself" mentality.

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In this "from the ComixLaunch Mailbag" episode, Tyler gives some advice to a creator who is looking for recommendations for printers who can print roughly 500 copies and still have their pricing work for Diamond Distribution. Is it possible? Let's talk comic printing in 2023!

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After stopping doing comic conventions entirely at the start of the pandemic in 2020, Tyler finally returned to tabling at Wicked Comic Con over the weekend. In this session, he'll break down his top insights from being a vendor at this mid-sized, two day show in Boston.

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Many Kickstarter creators add profitability and fun to their campaign when they think beyond "just the PDF" and offer higher priced (and value) digital rewards to their backers. In this session, Tyler will load you up with a ton of ideas for upping your digital game!

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