After a lot of success serializing his series Night Wolf on Kickstarter, Rob Multari thinks he’s finally ready to distribute through Diamond Distribution to get his books into comic book shops. The problem? How to deal with the upfront funding costs associated with direct market distribution? Tyler and a roundtable of comic creators brainstorm options in this mastermind style session.

Highlights of This Session Include:

  • The specific funding challenges that come with distributing your books into the direct market?
  • Should the comic shop version of your book be different than the book you sell on Kickstarter?
  • Options for a quickstarter style launch to raise a small amount of funding to bridge the gap between when the Diamond invoices will be paid.
  • Plus: ComixLaunch Mastermind alumni share the value of participating in the group in their own words!

Today’s Session is Brought to You By…

Modern Mythology Presents Medusa #1, a fantasy adventure comic book about Medusa seeking revenge on the gods who wronged her. The one-shot comic book is live on Kickstarter! Search “Medusa” on Kickstarter or visit to check it out!

In the MasterMind Hot Seat Today:

Robert A. Multari is a comic book creator/children’s book author, working in multiple genres. Rob is also the founder of his self-publishing company, Lone Wolf Comics. It has been Rob’s dream since he was a kid, struggling with A.D.D. and dyslexia, to be in the comic book business.

In the MasterMind Round Table:

Links Mentioned in Today’s Show:

  1. The ComixLaunch Mastermind
  2. Rob’s latest Kickstarter:
  3. Rob’s Website:

More About Our Sponsor:

“Modern Mythology Presents: Medusa #1” is a fantasy adventure comic book that follows the famous treasure hunter Medusa as she seeks revenge on the gods who wronged her.

Inspired by classic Greek mythology, this comic also takes cues from Tomb Raider. Kill Bill, and God of War.

This looks like another banger from Dragon Grit writer Caleb Palmquist.

A long time ago, Medusa was assaulted by Poseidon, and turned into a monster against her will by Hera.

Now a famous treasure hunter, Medusa travels around the world learning ancient secrets and amassing wealth to fund her mission of revenge. She has taken down every god in the Greek pantheon except for one: Poseidon.

Through a combination of treasure hunting expertise, brute strength, and a burning desire for revenge, Medusa is determined to find the last god and take him out for good.

The Kickstarter for Modern Mythology Presents: Medusa #1 is LIVE now! Search for “Medusa” on Kickstarter to pledge to the campaign, or visit to learn more.

ComixLauncher [464]

What kind of launches can you do to inject a small infusion of cash into your business quickly? Maybe you need a couple hundred or couple thousand dollars. Brainstorm some ideas for smaller launches to achieve that for your business.

How to Find Out More About Today’s Hot Seat Creator:

Rob’s Website:

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