With a big convention fast approaching and a number of titles nearly ready to launch on Kickstarter, Shane Chebsey is feeling the pressure to get those projects launched. In this mastermind style session of the ComixLaunch Podcast, a roundtable of creators will help Shane brainstorm ideas for launching more Kickstarter projects in a short amount of time.

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Over the past few years, comic creator Nathan Lueth has racked up a number of successful Kickstarter campaigns. As a result, he now has a healthy inventory of books in his basement he'd love to sell, and is interested in getting tips to make more sales in places off of Kickstarter? In this mastermind style episode, Tyler and a group of talented creators advise Nathan where he should be focusing and what strategies work best for sales beyond Kickstarter?

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Writer and cartoonist Scott Harris-King has had success publishing his Kickstarter series The Crimebusters over the past few years. But as a do-it-all creator, his creative output is limited. Now he'd like to level up from being a solo creator to building out a publishing line so he can get more stories out into the world. In this mastermind style episode, Tyler and a group of talented creators brainstorm with Scott on how he might best learn the skills of being a publisher and find the right people to round out his team?

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Curtis Clow is the writer and co-creator of a number of highly successful fantasy graphic novel series on Kickstarter, including Beastlands, The Wild Cosmos, Slightly Exaggerated and Majestic. In this session, Tyler James talks to Curtis about how his approach to Kickstarter has evolved over the years, and some new opportunities that have been created by the success on that platform.

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Today, there are more ways than ever to get into your audience's inbox during a Kickstarter launch, which has many creators wondering how much is too much? In this session, Tyler will break down how he sees the crucial skill of email communication when in the midst of a Kickstarter campaign.

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Writer and Editor James Powell (House of Fear) takes a minute away from his biggest House of Fear launch ever to join Tyler James for a discussion about imposter syndrome, playing the mental game of being a creator, and thriving on Kickstarter and beyond.

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Nick Pitarra, Eisner-nominated and New York Times bestselling co-creator of the Manhattan Projects, has created, written & drawn the new graphic novel Ax-Wielder Jon. It's debut on the Zoop crowdfunding platform brought in $40K on day one, and has continued to roll. In this session, he'll chat with Tyler about the new project, crowdfunding on a young platform, and more!

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Ever look at one of those huge Kickstarters and wonder where the heck did all those backers come from? If you've been listening to ComixLaunch for any length of time, you know that you can see of a successful campaign is only the tip of the iceberg and that most of what makes a launch successful is the work done in advance of the launch. In this session, Tyler breaks down in detail where the backers for his latest big Kickstarter launch are actually coming from, what actions he took to bring them out on day one, and the tools he uses to track and measure what's working at the start of a campaign.

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After being furloughed from his job in the 2020 pandemic shut down, writer/artist Gary Parkin decided to finally go for it and publish his comic Vampocalypse #1. Fast-forward 18 months later and Gary has completed dozens of comics and raised over $100,000 on Kickstarter, which has let him focus on growing his imprint Underglow Comics full time. Gary shares his story of spending 15 years working dreadful jobs, to now making comics full-time and being 100% sure that this will be his life forever!

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Backer adjustments are a normal part of any Kickstarter launch... but if you're not prepared for them, they can reek havok on a crowdfunder's mindset during a launch. In this session, Tyler shares the Three Laws of Kickstarter Backer Adjustments, and offers some helpful tips for putting them in perspective so that you can have an enjoyable, successful and profitable launch!

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