Comics writer D.P. Brown is looking to expand his audience by using a viral contest... but he's never done one before and is looking for strategies to make it pop. A round table of comic creators guide D.P. on tools, strategies and best practices for audience building viral contests.

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Despite rocking his best Kickstarter launch ever, there was one metric that was really bothering Night Wolf creator Rob Multari... his returning backer rate? Was this a sign that something major was wrong with his launch? Or was this "problem" actually not a problem at all?

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Writer/artist Jaymie Dylan is concerned that her next Kickstarter project might be too different from her last one to bring her existing backers back for more. In this mastermind style session, the round table discusses personal branding and strategies for multi-talented, multi-interested creators can use to get their audience to follow them, regardless of what they're creating.

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Like many creators, Ryan Claytor has far more creative projects in the works than he can possibly complete. As a result, he's feeling less productive than he'd like. Know the feeling? Well, this group of creators certainly does, and in this mastermind style session, they'll provide Ryan some support for taking control of his project load.

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Writer George O'Connor is gearing up to launch his first big anthology project, Toddlerpocalypse, and is looking to brainstorm reward and campaign ideas to help take this launch to the stratosphere. A group of talented creators helps George unlock some brilliant ideas in this mastermind style session.

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Writer Rob Multari, and the founder and publisher of Lone Wolf Comics, best known for the Kickstarter funded ongoing series Night Wolf joins Tyler for a discussion about building genuine connections in the comic creator community and challenges serializing comics on Kickstarter.

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If you're an overseas creator stumped about how to deliver Kickstarter rewards to a primarily US based audience or simply want to get out of the Kickstarter reward packing and shipping game, this one is for you! Tyler chats with writer Andrew Clemson, creator of Damsel from D.I.S.T.R.E.S.S., about how he is able to orchestrate comic book Kickstarter fulfillment from overseas.

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Every month, Backerkit Marketing runs paid traffic for some of the biggest crowdfunding projects on the planet. In this episode, Tyler will tell you everything you need to know about this offering from Backerkit, including how Backerkit Marketing contributed to his biggest Kickstarter launch yet!

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Does it ever feel like crowdfunding is just easier for other people? Even if your launches are succeeding, why does it still feel like a massive struggle to get traction? Are you worried it will always be this way? In this session, Tyler will look at this common frustration for creators and share some ways to solve it once and for all.

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