While this year’s Free Comic Book Day may have been postponed, creator Russell Nohelty wanted to provide fans with a fun, virtual con loaded with FREE COMICS and AMAZING CREATORS... so he did! Find out all about the event, as well as Russell's tips and lessons learned from quickly pulling together several successful online events.

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It's Kickstarter Launch Day for writer, artist, and ComixLaunch Pro Member Dan Ekis, creator of ODYSSEY, INC: THE TWIN BENGALS, Live Now on Kickstarter. Find out the strategies Dan has been using to reach more fans with his art on webtoons, YouTube and inside his mailing list!

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Australian comic creator and publisher Shaun Keenan discusses lessons learned from his most successful launch which happened to roll during the Covid-Crisis, and how his plans are changing to adjust for the new reality on the ground for comic creators worldwide.

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A few years ago, creator Emily Drouin started Kids Con, a New England area comic con exclusively for kids! However, due to Covid-19 shutting down public gatherings and forcing the closure of this years June event, Emily and her team have pivoted to take the Kids Con experience online! Find out the Kids Con origin story, Emily's experience of bringing this convention to life, and their plans for turning the beloved family event into an online extravaganza.

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Tyler James joins Rob Andersin on The Advocating Channel to talk about how to create a successful crowdfunding campaigns today. In this session, they discuss everything from making the right video, to stacking the right pledge rewards and the decision on whether to delay or go forward with a launch considering the state of the world right now.

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