As his writing demands increase, Nightmare World creator Dirk Manning realizes he's going to need to cut back on his convention schedule. However, he's worried about losing connection with the fans who've supported him along the way if he's out of sight and out of mind. Hear the counsel Dirk receives from a mastermind of creator peers.

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Russell Nohelty has made more money every year he's been a creator and 2019 is on track to being his best year ever. So, why does it feel like things are getting harder and not easier? Dirk Manning, Karl Kesel and Tyler James counsel Russell in a hotseat that all creators should hear.

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Karl Kesel's (Section Zero) projects have raised over $100,000.00 on Kickstarter, but he's struggling to grow his fan base and reach a new audience for his work. In this session, he's joined by fellow members of the "six-figures in funding" club including Russell Nohelty, Dirk Manning and Tyler James to brainstorm golden opportunities and new strategies for Karl to build upon his fan base and take it to new heights!

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Lynne Somerman is a financial coach who helps creative entrepreneurs and small business owners feel less stupid about money. In this special session of The ComixLaunch Podcast, Lynne shares practical advice for creators who want to control the financial resources they have, rather than letting their money control them.

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Tyler Chin-Tanner and his wife Wendy, co-founders of the publishing company A Wave Blue World have launched 4 successful Kickstarter anthology projects. In this session, Tyler spills the beans on the ups, downs, high, lows and best practices for planning and launching a great comic anthology.

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How much should you charge when pricing comics? While conventional wisdom suggests that creators should charge the going rate (around $4 US) it is very possible sell your creator owned and independent comics for a lot more than that. In this session, Tyler shares 9 strategies that will let you charge way more than just a few bucks for your books, and still have fans happy to buy from you.

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